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Business Model Canvas: A Visual Tool for Understanding Your Business

The business model canvas is a strategic management tool that helps you visualize and better understand your business model. It was created by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book Business Model Generation.

The business model canvas is made up of nine building blocks:

The business model canvas can be used to:

To use the business model canvas, start by filling in the nine building blocks. You can use the following questions to help you:

Once you have filled in the nine building blocks, you can start to think about how they fit together and how they can be improved. The business model canvas is a dynamic tool, so you should revisit it regularly and make changes as needed.

The business model canvas is a valuable tool for understanding and improving your business model. It is a simple and visual way to capture the essence of your business and can be used by businesses of all sizes.

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